Adventure Game Hotspot



Are adventure games stuck in the past?

Are adventure games stuck in the past?

Cressup joins Joshua and Jack to talk about whether the adventure community's fondness for looking back is preventing us from moving forward in new and healthy ways... Read more

It belongs in a museum!

It belongs in a museum!

Rommi Noodles joins Jack and Joshua in making a list of the most iconic items from video game history to fill up a hypothetical museum... Read more

Fan Fair reflections, the best Sierra properties, and possible Warner Brothers adventures(?)

Fan Fair reflections, the best Sierra properties, and possible Warner Brothers adventures(?)

Joshua and Jack reflect back on the Adventure Game Fan Fair, then look ahead to potential new game franchises and top adventure gaming destinations from Sierra and beyond... Read more

Half-year highlights, Forbes top 15 adventures, and foolproof financial advice

Half-year highlights, Forbes top 15 adventures, and foolproof financial advice

Joshua and Jack reflect back on the first six months of 2024 before, dissect Forbes magazine's top fifteen adventures before returning the favour with their own list of sound financial planning advice. Bonus top five: adventure game routines and habits, both in-game and out! ... Read more

Whoa. The podcast is back and popping with game news and Fan Fair updates!

Whoa. The podcast is back and popping with game news and Fan Fair updates!

After an unplanned hiatus, Joshua and Jack cram in as much of the latest and greatest adventure game news they can (Riven! Life Is Strange! A Quiet Place! Talos Principle II DLC! More!) and do a rundown of all the games that will be on display at the Adventure Game Fan Fair... Read more

Stupid fun with the designers of Sleepytime Village

Stupid fun with the designers of Sleepytime Village

James Lightfoot and comics writer/artist Steven Horry help kick off the Kickstarter for Sleepytime Village in style, joining Jack and Joshua to talk about bringing the the graphic novel to interactive life. ... Read more

Talking Sierra and Sony with Steve Conrad

Talking Sierra and Sony with Steve Conrad

If there was a big Sierra game in the early to mid '90s, it's a good bet that Steve Conrad had a role in its development. Steve joins us for a chat the halcyon Sierra days, his time at Sony, as well as music and comedy... Read more

The Alluring Appeal of Adventure Games

The Alluring Appeal of Adventure Games

Adventure Game Geek joins Joshua and Jack as they discuss the enduring joy of adventure games and what precisely it is that draws us to them. Bonus top five: the best cozy games... Read more

Newly recorded: King's Quest VI goes vinyl

Newly recorded: King's Quest VI goes vinyl

Magic Map Studio's Erik Elsom joins the Adventure Game Hotspot podcast to talk about An Ode to the Isles, his newest King's Quest soundtrack, remastered and re-orchestrated in a double-LP collection now available to pre-order... Read more

Charles Cecil reforges Broken Sword and escapes Alcatraz

Charles Cecil reforges Broken Sword and escapes Alcatraz

An interview with Charles Cecil is not to be missed, and we know you’ll enjoy hearing about his many real-life adventures that make most game protagonist’s seem dull in comparison. Plus the lowdown on Broken Sword Reforged and a top five of most memorable puzzles of all time... Read more

Jane Jensen and Robert Holmes interview podcast

Jane Jensen and Robert Holmes interview podcast

Sierra legends Jane Jensen and Robert Holmes join Jack and Joshua to chat about both the past and potential future of their involvement in game development, including the prospects for new Gabriel Knight adventure. ... Read more

A Look Ahead at 2024

A Look Ahead at 2024

With a new year come new possibilities for great gaming experiences ahead! We pull back the curtain on some of our most anticipated adventures in 2024, from Broken Sword to Blade Runner to Indiana Jones. Bonus top five: Games we looked forward to that never came to be... Read more

The Best (and Not So Best) Adventures of 2023

The Best (and Not So Best) Adventures of 2023

With the year done, we cast a final look back at our personal adventure game highlights, biggest news and even some disappointments from the past twelve months. Bonus top five: our top TV shows and movies from last year... Read more

Gone But Not Forgotten Games

Gone But Not Forgotten Games

So many adventures have come and gone, all but lost to time. Adventure Game Hotspot writer Drew Onia makes his first appearance on the show, joining Jack and Joshua as they take a look back at some of those games that deserve better than to be consigned to the scrapheap of history. Bonus top five: Current games that aren't getting enough buzz and risk becoming the forgotten games of tomorrow... Read more

Lights, Camera, Action-Adventures!

Lights, Camera, Action-Adventures!

Joshua and Jack are joined by guest Dave McIntyre in delving into the most prominent story-driven, puzzle-filled adventures with one foot squarely in the action arena, headlined by Indiana Jones, Tomb Raider and Uncharted... Read more

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