Adventure Game Hotspot


Dave Gilbert and Francisco Gonzalez – Old Skies, Rosewater and more

Dave Gilbert and Francisco Gonzalez – Old Skies, Rosewater and more

What’s better than one star guest from the indie adventure game scene? How about TWO major stars! With Wadjet Eye Games' Dave Gilbert announcing the release date of Old Skies the day this show goes live and Grundislav Games' Francisco Gonzalez set to launch Rosewater later this month, there was no better time to get them together to chat with Jack and Joshua about their upcoming games and the years of hard work put into each. Of course, the group veers into a free-flowing, wide-ranging conversation about all-things-adventuring – sometimes insightful, sometimes silly, sometimes even a little esoteric, but always compelling stuff!

Stay tuned for the top fives at the end to find out which games these great developers (and of course the show hosts) are most looking forward to.


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