Hidden Gems or Overrated Classics?
Hotspot staff writer Beau joins Joshua and Jack to debate which unheralded games deserve more attention, and which beloved classics don't deserve the hype. Not for the faint of heart! (Some sacred cows may have been harmed in the making of this episode.)... Read more
Did the Adventure Genre Really Die?
Author and game designer Shawn Mills of Infamous Quests joins Joshua to discuss the downfall of the golden age of adventure games. They debate whether the genre really died, and why, and discuss the reasons it has rebounded in popularity in recent years. Bonus chat: top five sidekicks... Read more
Action in My Adventure Games?
Hotspot co-founders Jack Allin and Joshua Cleveland introduce the new site, the big livestream launch event, and discuss their views on what an adventure game really is, including whether a game is still an adventure if it's got action in it... Read more