Adventure Game Hotspot


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The Protagonish to take center stage on PC this summer

The Protagonish to take center stage on PC this summer

Narrative-driven cartoon fantasy adventure uses choices of secondary characters to influence the hero indirectly... Read more

Urban Myth Dissolution Center starting to come together

Urban Myth Dissolution Center starting to come together

New "psycho-detective" mystery adventure unveiled from the creators of Makoto Wakaido’s Case Files... Read more

Skeler Boy review

Skeler Boy is a beautiful micro-sized horror adventure filled to the brim with scares and quirky challenges throughout its short runtime, though it ultimately feels like a compilation of homages that never manages to find a voice of its own... Read more

Skeler Boy review

Demo unpacked for fantasy adventure hybrid Albatroz

Demo unpacked for fantasy adventure hybrid Albatroz

Fantastical third-person 3D adventure with roleplaying elements coming to PC, PlayStation and Xbox platforms... Read more

Trailer unlocks release date for upcoming Apartment Story

Trailer unlocks release date for upcoming Apartment Story

Dramatic life sim thriller about three people and a gun coming to PC on September 26th... Read more

Adventure Game Fan Fair announcement: We're moving! (Just up the road)

The Adventure Game Fan Fair (July 26-28) has been relocated less than a mile away, to the Greater Tacoma Convention Center on 1500 Commerce Street... Read more

Adventure Game Fan Fair announcement: We're moving! (Just up the road)

Botany Manor video walkthrough

Botany Manor video walkthrough

The enduring estate of Botany Manor is home to retired botanist Arabella Greene. After a long career, she has amassed a collection of rare, long-forgotten plants that require some research to help them live again. Play as Arabella and explore the stunning... Read more

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place review

Though not without its rough edges, Creepy Tale: Some Other Place is a series high point that moves beyond previous entries’ shortcomings with well-designed puzzles, a wickedly spooky atmosphere, and a more confident, less derivative art style... Read more

Creepy Tale: Some Other Place review