Adventure Game Hotspot


Sam Amiotte-Beaulieu

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Staff Writer

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Posts by Sam Amiotte-Beaulieu

Cabernet review

Cabernet review

Cabernet is a captivating character-driven narrative RPG that sinks in its fangs and doesn’t let go. The best story veins are reserved for the individuals you meet rather than the world at large, but with characters as well-written as these, you’ll want to drink in every last drop... Read more

of the Devil: Episode 1

of the Devil: Episode 1

of the Devil: Episode 1 is an impressive expansion of the dark cyberpunk mystery first envisioned in its free debut installment. It’s sometimes held back by the devil in the details, but these are mostly minor annoyances when compared to the incredible characters and world that will draw you into its high-tech dystopia... Read more

Great God Grove review

Great God Grove review

Take our word for it: Great God Grove takes a fresh dialogue-based puzzle concept and places it in an imaginative world filled with unforgettable characters. It may not be particularly challenging, but the strong writing and gorgeous presentation make this a heavenly game of Telephone well worth picking up... Read more

10 Dead Doves review

10 Dead Doves review

10 Dead Doves is a fascinating horror adventure with janky PSX-era controls that takes too long to start unfolding, but once you begin diving down the rabbit hole you’ll find a wonderfully weird journey that gets more and more compelling the longer you play. ... Read more

Clock Tower: Rewind review

Clock Tower: Rewind review

Officially localized three decades after the original release, Clock Tower: Rewind is a perfectly passable way to experience what was once officially a Japan-exclusive piece of horror history. This is the real, first Clock Tower experience warts and all, along with a smattering of goodies that will delight longtime fans – even if it feels like an inconsistent package throughout... Read more

Gabriel Knight sightseeing in New Orleans

Gabriel Knight sightseeing in New Orleans

A vacation to visit the locations that inspired Sins of the Fathers may be the next best thing to actually being in a Gabriel Knight adventure. ... Read more

Loco Motive review

Loco Motive review

Loco Motive is the full package. Grab a ticket, put on your thinking cap, and hop on the Reuss Express, as this is one of the finest cartoon point-and-click adventures ever created... Read more

Mouthwashing review

Mouthwashing review

Mouthwashing is an incredibly visceral sci-fi horror experience that delves into the dark abyss of the human condition, and the few short hours you spend with its stranded space crew will chill you to your core. ... Read more

The Holy Gosh Darn review

The Holy Gosh Darn review

The Holy Gosh Darn is the biblical time-travel comedy adventure game you never knew you needed in your life. This thoroughly charming journey through Heaven and Hell is a genuine treat that excels as much in its hilarious writing as it does with its unique brain teasers... Read more

Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club review

Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club review

Emio – The Smiling Man is a haunting tale that marks a welcome return of the Famicom Detective Club series. It’s the best of the three so far and steers significantly darker than previous entries, though as a visual novel with limited gameplay, it won’t change any minds if you weren’t already on board with what’s on offer... Read more