Classic Gamers Guild Podcast – New old games and ranking non-Sierra/LucasArts adventures

Just to prove that the Classic Gamers Guild Podcast isn't all Sierra, all the time – most of the time, maybe; all the time, no – Anna Vigue and The Phantom Fellows creator Paul Korman decide to rank some games made by neither Sierra nor LucasArts in one of their two entertaining podcasts this month, while in the other they explored a fan-made remake, a demake and a voice mod for various beloved Sierra classics. (Because a whole month without Sierra was just too much to bear.) It's all great fun, so don't miss out! But don't take our word for it; take Paul's:
"In Ranking Non-Sierra/LucasArts Adventure Games, Anna and I are ranking some adventure games that weren't made by Sierra or LucasArts. If I got my way, this episode would be called "I Have No Willy And I Must Beamish," but I'm guessing it's prolly something clunky and annoyingly descriptive. Anyway, this was fun. Mangia!"

"In New Old Games!, Anna and I sampled some of the exciting new old games that just recently released: King's Quest: It Takes Two To Tangle, Space Quest V – Talkie Edition, and King's Quest VI – AGI Demake. We sampled all of them, and then talk about weird Canadian sandwiches. And possibly the games too. I don't know; you tell me. Mangia!"

The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast is part of the Adventure Game Hotspot Network, a collective of talented, dedicated content producers who work entirely independently but have joined forces to promote each other’s efforts. All opinions expressed belong solely to the original creators.
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