Adventure Game Geek chills with the creator of Flake: The Legend of Snowblind

Flake: The Legend of Snowblind may look like a kid's game on the surface, with its charming Saturday morning cartoon-style graphics, reference-filled humour and adorable blob-like main character. But dig a little beneath its frozen surface and you'll find a game of surprising complexity, about the titular creature who crash lands from space into a realm of endless winter – an environment that's suitable for some but not so much for others. Now even the tenuous balance holding this world together is in jeopardy with the disapparance of the fabled Heart Gem, and it seems only a small amnesiac visitor made of snow can restore it. It's chilly on the ground, but in his latest YouTube video feature, Adventure Game Geek bundles up for the (debatably) "coldest point-and-click adventure ever" and explains why this game has become his "happy place."
Along for the ride is the game's solo Croatian designer, Duje "Dux" Segvic, who not only handled every aspect of development except for the music, but contributed many of the voices as well. Dux, who considers the act of creating his "drug," offers plenty of behind-the-scenes insights into the game, such as how each of the polar bear cubs are based on (and voiced by) his own children, that he designed an entire original alphabet from scratch, the way he approached his maze to be unique and fun even for the most labyrinth-averse, and why the game begins with an elephant sitting on crescent moon licking an ice cream cone. He even shows off his collection of baked clay sculptures of characters and places from the game, and a series of sketches so expansive that they spilled from his notebook to his walls. Flake may end rather abruptly (a fact duly noted by Adventure Game Hotspot's Will Aickman in his review of the game), but you'll better understand why when Dux explains that the script length is equal to a 300-page book. It certainly needs and deserves a sequel, however, so click here to check out Geek's video and we're sure you'll agree why more people should be playing this unheralded little gem.
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