Adventure Game Hotspot


Adventure Game Hotspot

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Posts by Adventure Game Hotspot

The Adventure Game Fair gets underway – completely livestreamed!

The Adventure Game Fair gets underway – completely livestreamed!

Even if you can't attend the Adventure Game Fan Fair weekend in Tacoma, Washington, you can still join in the festivities through three days of continue livestreaming. ... Read more

Adventure Game Fan Fair announcement: We're moving! (Just up the road)

Adventure Game Fan Fair announcement: We're moving! (Just up the road)

The Adventure Game Fan Fair (July 26-28) has been relocated less than a mile away, to the Greater Tacoma Convention Center on 1500 Commerce Street... Read more

Half-year highlights, Forbes top 15 adventures, and foolproof financial advice

Half-year highlights, Forbes top 15 adventures, and foolproof financial advice

Joshua and Jack reflect back on the first six months of 2024 before, dissect Forbes magazine's top fifteen adventures before returning the favour with their own list of sound financial planning advice. Bonus top five: adventure game routines and habits, both in-game and out! ... Read more

Botany Manor video walkthrough

Botany Manor video walkthrough

The enduring estate of Botany Manor is home to retired botanist Arabella Greene. After a long career, she has amassed a collection of rare, long-forgotten plants that require some research to help them live again. Play as Arabella and explore the stunning... Read more

Police Quest II: A fair and balanced retrospective

Police Quest II: A fair and balanced retrospective

The Space Quest Historian found Police Quest II an improvement over the series debut, but takes issue with the marketing claim that it's "so realistic, it was used to train law enforcement officers." Find out why in another entertaining retrospective... Read more

The Game That's Nothing But Stairs

The Game That's Nothing But Stairs

OneShortEye takes a break from speedrunning to reflect back on the 2016 freeware cult hit designed as a parody-slash-loving homage to all the worst moments of early Sierra adventures... Read more

The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast: Blade Runner and King's Quest comparisons

The Classic Gamers Guild Podcast: Blade Runner and King's Quest comparisons

Paul Korman and Anna Vigue tackle two very different classics with a release comparison of Sierra's flagship series and an analysis of Westwood's classic from newbie vs. diehard perspectives. ... Read more

Tales from Candleforth video walkthrough

Tales from Candleforth video walkthrough

Sarah is a 16-year-old girl who’s been left alone to run the family apothecary. Sarah's grandmother went missing a while ago, but one day Sarah finds clues that she might still be alive. As the young protagonist discovers new powers that only the... Read more

A Divine Guide To Puzzle Solving video walkthrough

A Divine Guide To Puzzle Solving video walkthrough

As a mere mortal, your destiny takes an unexpected turn when you are chosen by the enigmatic puzzle deity Tobla. This eccentric divine being has bestowed upon you the honour of testing the latest collection of puzzle trials it has designed – all... Read more

Tell Me Your Story video walkthrough

Tell Me Your Story video walkthrough

Amelia arrives at Grandma Rose's cottage for the summer, expecting to spend the warm months there knitting, gardening, and helping out. Soon enough, however, the girl realizes that Rose's house is full of wonders, artifacts, and souvenirs from all around... Read more

VENARI: Escape Room Adventure video walkthrough

VENARI: Escape Room Adventure video walkthrough

After a surprising encounter with an old friend, you are handed a secret map revealing the location of a long-lost, mystical object known as the Venari artefact. Intrigued by the mystery and driven by curiosity, you charter a sea plane to an uncharted... Read more

Midnight Scenes: From the Woods video walkthrough

Midnight Scenes: From the Woods video walkthrough

In the latest installment of the Octavi Navarro's Midnight Scenes anthology, disturbing incidents begin happening after the arrival of a new patient at Fernwood Creek Mental Health Center who doesn't speak, doesn't relate to anyone, and hides a... Read more

What's the best user interface for adventure games?

What's the best user interface for adventure games?

The Space Quest Historian explores the strengths and weaknesses of the early Sierra and LucasArts point-and-click interfaces, ultimately unveiling the game with the best UI of all time... Read more

Games the AGH Network is playing just for fun

Games the AGH Network is playing just for fun

The Adventure Game Hotspot Network members join forces to recommend a handful of new, old, or upcoming adventure games for any taste or budget! ... Read more

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