Adventure Game Hotspot


Adventure Game Fan Fair game demo submission period now open!

Adventure Game Fan Fair game demo submission period now open!
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The Adventure Game Fan Fair 2024 is drawing closer, and developers interested in showcasing their games on the convention floor can submit their games now!

Unless you’ve been pinned under a heavy object for the last few months, by now  you’ve heard about the upcoming Adventure Game Fan Fair, the first ever convention devoted to this wonderful genre in the United States, coming to Tacoma, Washington on the weekend of July 26-28!

Here’s the good news: We've already reached our minimum Kickstarter target. (Yay!) We’re so thankful for all the support we’ve received, but we’re not done yet, as we've introduced some great stretch goals to make it the best weekend it can be. We’ve achieved our first one already – an extra half-day on Friday the 26th! – but there are still others within reach, including an afterparty for all, and even a filmed documentary! We’ve even added a mind-blowing new pledge tier or individual add-on: a real-world escape room with Ken and Roberta Williams! (And there’s more ahead where that came from.)

As the big day approaches, it's time to get serious about finalizing the details of the convention itself.

So, GAME DEVELOPERS: If you'd like to showcase your game on the convention floor, let us know! We’ll have a film crew recording during the convention, with a livestream available throughout the weekend, so it’s a great opportunity to draw attention to you and your game worldwide, beyond just those in attendance.

We’re accepting submissions until the end of March, with decisions to be made throughout the month, so best not to leave it until the last second! Please send us the latest details for your game, and a demo if available.

It’s not necessary to have a playable demo now, but priority will be given to those who do, or can at least assure us that a demo will be ready by July. Even higher priority will be given to developers willing to debut new games that weekend for the first time, though of course games already in development will be given every consideration.

There is a small demonstration fee, which we’ll discuss in person when chatting about your game.

To submit your game for consideration, please contact Joshua Cleveland ( or Jack Allin (, or use the contact form below.

We hope to hear from you, as the weekend is shaping up to be incredible! If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

P.S. Even if you’re unable to attend, any social media shares to help promote the Kickstarter campaign and Adventure Game Fan Fair itself would be greatly appreciated. Word of mouth is a beautiful thing in this tight-knit community of adventure game fans!



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