Even MORE King's Quest IV details

OneShortEye is so exhaustively thorough in his game research that you can be certain beyond a shadow of a doubt that his recent "definitive" video examination of The Dirty Secrets of King's Quest IV left no stone unturned, missing no details with nothing left unsaid...
Well, except for all the stuff that he couldn't fit in or didn't know about until people told him afterwards. And so, never one to rest on his laurels, OneShortEye went back to the Perils of Rosella well once more to fill in the missing gaps.
What more could there possibly be left to reveal, you wonder? Fair enough, but watch and find out, for example, why Rosella looks different between game versions when being throttled by a little evil tree. Or who you can and can't kiss, and definitely wouldn't want to. Or how to properly ride a unicorn sidesaddle no matter what side the game makes you mount it. (Get your minds out of the gutter, people – not that kind of mounting! Although speaking of naughty language, did you know you can try rubbing things in the game besides yourself, and that the toothy whale that swallows Rosella both does and doesn't resemble a sperm whale?) And never in a million years would you guess that typing "dennis jonathan" with the text parser would end up with a crown on your head, for reasons perhaps even Sierra employee Dennis Jonathan doesn't understand.
It's all great fun, in OneShortEye's wonderfully hyper-specific way, so tune in for this bonus episode to learn everything you didn't even know you wanted to know about Sierra's classic adventure.
OneShortEye is part of the Adventure Game Hotspot Network, a collective of talented, dedicated content producers who work entirely independently but have joined forces to promote each other’s efforts. All opinions expressed belong solely to the original creators.
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