Adventure Game Hotspot


Enigma Quest leads through Steam Early Access

Enigma Quest leads through Steam Early Access
Jack Allin avatar image

Complete version of first-person 3D puzzle adventure set in a museum expected sometime next year

Museums make great spaces for brainteasing adventures, filled as they are with items and records from thousands if not millions of years of history. But some museums are more mysterious than most, none more so than the setting for SGDstudios' Enigma Quest, which has just launched via early access.

Players step into the first-person shoes of "the Seeker," who embarks on a journey through "intricate mazes, cryptic puzzles, and corridors steeped in history" in pursuit of "the ultimate challenge — an enigma that transcends the boundaries of thought." Other "brilliant minds" have tried before you, and along the way you'll "uncover the stories of [those] who once dared to unlock the secrets of the museum's enigma but were lost within its depths." Their "echoes" will serve as your guide as you follow in their footsteps, but it will take all your problem-solving acumen to finally succeed where they could not.

At first glance the setting of Enigma Quest seems like any standard museum, filled with tall corridors and grand halls lined with historical art, artifacts and statues. Explore its multiple floors, however (via keyboard/mouse in first-person free-roaming 3D), and it'll soon become clear that this is no ordinary exhibition. Indeed, it's been designed as a "collection of puzzles to test sharp minds," and you are the latest "mind explorer" to confront them. Strangely, you have little memory of who you are or why you're here at first, but you're promised that the more you explore, the more you'll remember and understand the challenge before you. Each puzzle will yield another piece needed to solve the next, but the final one will be a culmination of everything that's come before. Failure is not an option, as only by solving it can you "prove you're smart enough to escape."

Although still a work in progress, Enigma Quest is available now to purchase through Steam Early Access for Windows PC, with new maps, stories and "a lot more puzzles" to be added throughout the next year of development.


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