Strong Bad's Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate taking shape

Three bite-sized comedic mysteries based on Homestar Runner web cartoon "coming soon" on PC
Strong Bad is back! Or one of his alter egos soon will be, at least, as The Brothers Chaps' popular lucha libre mask-wearing Homestar Runner web cartoon antihero is due to arrive soon on PC in three bite-sized mysteries called Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate.
The last time we saw Strong Bad in a game was way back in 2008, when Telltale released the episodic Strong Bad's Cool Game for Attractive People. Rather than any kind of continuation of that series, the new game includes an expanded and enhanced remaster of Dangeresque: The Roomisode, an interactive Flash-based adventure spun off of the main cartoon series starring Strong Bad's titular "world's greatest private eye/crooked cop" persona, along with a completed version of the previous unfinished Roomisode 2, plus a brand new series finale.
The Roomisode Triungulate is pure point-and-click adventuring goodness with a classic pixel art aesthetic, although unlike its free predecessor, this version has been updated with "all-new graphics, animation, cutscenes, and full voice acting." Each bite-sized installment represents a "standalone mini-adventure with its own puzzles to solve, inventory items to collect, and other characters to interact with." In the first episode, Dangeresque must "fake-solve a cold case" so his boss won't fire him, while the second sees him dealing with "car troubles at a seedy intersection," and the third has him taking a side gig as a security consultant, all with hilariously unpredictable results.
No firm target release date has been announced yet, but Dangeresque: The Roomisode Triungulate is expected "soon" on Steam and for Windows PC, with an iOS version possible. In the meantime, you can still freely play the original Dangeresque: Roomisode 1 in your browser for a (less polished) idea of what you can expect.
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