The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker to spread again with upcoming sequel

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Follow-up to D'Avekki Studios popular 2017 FMV thriller coming to PC and consoles in 2025
D'Avekki Studios announced their arrival as an up-and-coming developer to watch in 2017 with their unique psychological FMV thriller The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker. After branching out into other stories for their next three games (The Shapeshifting Detective, Dark Nights with Poe & Munro, Murderous Muses), now the indie British husband-and-wife team of Tim and Lynda Cowles are returning to their roots with their upcoming sequel, The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker 2.
The original game thrust players into the role of a replacement psychiatrist for the titular doctor, who was murdered. The challenge was to not only uncover the identity of the killer, but to "fix the chaos he left behind" by treating his roster of patients who all had their own problems, from "time manipulation and re-animated loved ones to horrors under the sea." In the new game, Doctor Dekker is dead... again! But so is a professor, pushed to his death from a moving train with no body recovered. Players will have to once more hang their shingle as an emergency shrink to interrogate and treat six different suspects, one of them a "former femme fatale." You'll need to navigate a tangled web of mind games in your attempts to "save your patients or catch the killer" – or both. Fortunately you'll have help as your "assistant Marianna will always be there for you – unless she’s the killer of course."
While the first game took place within the cozy confines of a psychiatrist's office, here you'll find yourself on an "isolated clifftop" with nowhere for anyone to run. Described as a "twisted Lovecraftian journey through the minds of six questionable suspects," the sequel will once again feature simulated therapy sessions in which you ask questions of your patients and receive responses via filmed full-motion video with live actors, including Aislinn De’Ath, who has appeared in all of D'Avekki's games to date, as Marianna. As with the updated version of the first game, players are no longer required to type their own questions in search of answers, with a selection of pre-scripted queries available to choose from. As you gather evidence, you will have the opportunity to "link answers together to progress," and a handy notebook will help you keep track of what you've learned. As before, the killer will be randomly chosen when the game begins, and with "multiple patient outcomes, player fates and killer endings," the game is designed with a high degree of replayability.
It's too early for a release date just yet, but The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker 2 will launch sometime in 2025 for Windows and Mac on Steam, along with as-yet-unspecified consoles.

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Oh good lord yes. YESSSSSSSSSS! This is the announcement of the year for me. Love D'Avekki, and the first game was one of the wildest and most creative FMV experiments I've ever enjoyed.
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