Details go public for A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe
Upcoming cartoon animal adventure blends point-and-click comedy gameplay with stealth objectives
Whether you're an introvert or extrovert, some days you might just want everyone to leave you alone. That's EVERY day for the long-necked star of Quail Button's upcoming A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe, and it'll take all of your sneaky cunning to help him enjoy his solitude – or else.
Giraffe is quite content to be by himself, relaxing and "listening to lo-fi music, drinking matcha, eating sushi, taking care of his succulent plants, and writing haikus." The one thing that stresses him out is being in public, as "he's so anxious about being in social situations that his head would explode if he ever talks to anyone." The problem is, he lives in a place voted "Friendliest City in the World," where he's surrounded by well-meaning but excessively amiable neighbors who continually want to stop and gab or ask for help to solve a problem. Giraffe wants nothing to do with any of it, so he's devised different strategies to "stealthily sneak around Friendly City and avoid its overly loquacious residents." It's the player's task to help him achieve his goals for an entire week as he "goes about exciting things on his to-do list, such as going to the laundromat, perusing antique stores, purchasing groceries, and working out at the gym."
A game about an antisocial protagonist avoiding all external contact might sound dark and dreary, but A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe is anything but. Instead, its whimsical, lighthearted approach is presented in a colourful cartoon art style "inspired by 1950s cartoons, with frame-by-frame hand-drawn animation." You can't just hole up at home all week, so you'll need to stick your neck out, so to speak, by venturing outside and finding ways to help Giraffe (an actual anthropomorphic giraffe, in a world of otherwise human characters) in "sneaking around, distracting, and avoiding the overly chatty residents." There are dozens of fellow citizens to evade across a variety of different environments, each with its own obstacles and opportunities. As you progress, your week's worth of chores promise to combine "the logic and humor of point-and-click adventure puzzles with the tension of stealth games." Succeed and Giraffe can "live his best life without ever talking to anyone." Fail, however, and poor Giraffe's head will blow up – literally.
Designed "for anyone who dreads having to make small talk, who prefers silence to society, or who has staged a coma to avoid a chatty neighbor," A Week in the Life of Asocial Giraffe is due out sometime in 2025 on Steam for Windows PC. To follow its progress in the coming months, be sure to check out the official website for further details.
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