Adventure Game Hotspot


Exiler to find a home on PC in 2025

Exiler to find a home on PC in 2025
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Graphic novel-styled atmospheric horror adventure starring a demon exorcist coming next year on Steam

In movies, the role of would-be exorcist is rarely an enviable position. For game protagonists, however, it's a compelling proposition to be the one to cleanse the world of demonic forces. Players will soon have the chance to become just such a godly crusader in's upcoming graphic novel-styled horror adventure, Exiler

The titular exiler is a servant of God named Adam Wayne, an "exorcist and private detective tasked with performing occult rituals and casting demons out of possessed people." It's going to take a bit more ingenuity than sprinkling holy water, clutching a crucifix and reciting Bible verses, however. To succeed in banishing diabolical invaders from innocent people, players will need to "experiment with different combinations of exorcist tools during rituals to rid the world of evil spirits once and for all." It's a race against time, and to save as many "damaged human souls from the corrupting influence of evil" as you can, you must grow as a person as well, maturing beyond an "apathetic detective, pursuing his own benefit, to a person capable of selfless help and compassion."

Presented in a stylish graphic novel art style, Exiler immerses players in its "grim noir world" through a side-scrolling series of "39 gloomy yet intriguing levels across 3 locations." Despite its hand-drawn artwork and point-and-click controls, this is not a traditional adventure – or at least, not one that uses its conventional gameplay elements in typical ways. Instead you will "set traps, use the wide array of exorcist tools, combine them, and create unique cleansing rites for different types of evil spirits." The more occult rituals you complete and demons you trap the better, as "each of them are crucial as you strive to save not only souls but also lives." There are also side quests available that will reveal "new narrative moments along your journey of self discovery." The actions you take and the decisions you make will be of great importance personally as well, as you attempt to follow your own "path to salvation."

Published by Alawar, Exiler has no firm target release date just yet, but the game is due to launch on Steam sometime in 2025 for Windows PC. To follow its progress in the coming months, be sure to check out the official website.


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