Slender Threads walkthrough

Slender Threads walkthrough
by Blyts
Thanks for playing Slender Threads! This walkthrough leaves out as many story details as possible to avoid spoilers.
If a step involves an “inventory item," it’s always an item that you obtained in an earlier step. If you're stuck, try looking back at previous steps to see if you missed something.
Have fun!
The Blyts team
Part 1
The game starts here.
Hotel Room
1. Take the Housekeeping Sign.
2. Take the Manuscript.
Hotel Hallway
1. Use the Housekeeping Sign somewhere.
2. Then, take the Laundry Key.
Hotel Lobby
1. Talk to the Socialite.
2. Use the Laundry Key somewhere.
Laundry Room
1. Take the Wrench from the Toolbox.
2. Take the Clothes from the Hamper.
Abandoned House
1. Take the Scissors.
2. Examine the wall (???).
● Arrange the scraps of colored paper.
● Make them fit perfectly in the square, with no overlaps between them.
3. Then, lift the Rug to find the Key.
4. Use the Key somewhere to start a cutscene.
5. Harvey returns to his hotel room.
Main St. West
1. Talk to the character now outside the abandoned house, including all dialogue options.
2. Just to the right of the abandoned house, take the Mannequin from the Dumpster.
3. Combine the Mannequin with another inventory item.
4. Then, use the resulting item somewhere to start a cutscene.
Abandoned House II
1. Use the Key somewhere to start a cutscene.
2. Look at the Desk.
3. Look at the Diary.
4. Take the Map.
5. Move to the Bathroom.
6. Exit through the window.
Part 2
You have just obtained a map. If you don't have a map yet, you're still in Part 1.
You can use the map to fast-travel to any location you've already visited.
Main St. Central
1. Talk to the Hot Dog Vendor.
2. Continue dialogue until you get Ketchup Packets.
3. Enter the Casino and take the Matches from the Ashtray.
4. Enter the Bookstore and take the Umbrella.
Open House (on First Street)
1. Go to the bedroom.
2. Look at the Closet.
3. Choose the dialogue option No, it looks small.
4. While the Closet is closed, use the Umbrella on it to get the Badge.
5. Return to the main room.
6. Take the Cigar Cutter from the Gift Basket.
City Hall
1. Enter the Archives.
2. Take the Book.
3. Return to the atrium, then enter the Clerk's Office.
4. Talk to the Clerk.
5. Return to the atrium, then enter the Museum.
6. Use the Cigar Cutter somewhere.
7. Travel to the Open House.
Open House II
1. Use the Matches somewhere.
2. Use the Wax Finger somewhere.
3. Combine the Scissors with another inventory item.
4. Combine the Photo of Harvey with another inventory item.
5. Combine the Sticky Photo of Harvey with another inventory item.
6. You now have a Fake ID.
City Hall
1. Enter the Clerk's Office.
2. Use the Fake ID somewhere to start a cutscene.
Empty Home (different from Abandoned House)
1. Take the Oil Lamp.
2. Use the Radio to start a cutscene.
Part 3
You are looking for a particular doctor.
At this point, virtually all of the town becomes available. There's a lot more to see!
First Street
1. Knock on the door to the doctor's office.
2. Complete all dialogue options.
Main St. East
1. Enter the Police Station.
2. Talk to the Prisoner (all dialogue options).
Second Street
1. Talk to the Neighbor (all dialogue options).
● You need a way to view the frequency of his radio.
2. Continue all the way right to the Observatory.
1. Talk to the Guide (all dialogue options) to receive a Pot.
2. Take the Broken Compass.
3. Use an inventory item on the Spyglass to take it.
4. Return to Second Street.
Second Street II
1. Use the Spyglass somewhere.
Main St. East II
1. Enter the Appliance Store.
2. Use the Transmitter.
3. Return to the Neighbor on Second Street.
Second Street III
1. Take the Fuel Can.
2. Combine the Fuel Can with another inventory item.
3. Combine the Matches with another inventory item.
4. You can now access the forest.
1. Enter the Archway.
2. Take the Crowbar.
First Street II
1. Enter the Hunting Club.
2. Use an inventory item on the Weaponry to get the Cutlass.
Forest II
1. Enter the Right Fork.
2. Use an inventory item to clear the Brambles.
3. Take the Mushrooms.
First Street III
1. Use the Mushrooms on yourself right outside the doctor's office.
Part 4
You are inside a doctor's office. This is a shorter, self-contained sequence.
Doctor's Office
1. Take the Music Box.
2. Take the Document.
3. Take the Tray.
4. Turn on the Exam Lamp.
5. Use an inventory item on the Pillow.
6. Take the Clock Key.
7. Combine the Clock Key with another inventory item.
8. Then, give the resulting item to someone in the room.
9. Take the Pipe.
10. Use an inventory item on the Stove.
11. Combine the Burning Paper with another inventory item.
12. Then, give the resulting item to someone in the room.
13. Take the Puzzle Cube.
14. Give the Puzzle Cube to someone in the room.
15. Open the Filing Cabinet to start a cutscene.
Part 5
You need to decipher a strange code in your inventory. This is the longest of the game's parts.
The Old Journal you obtained from the City Hall archives will be most useful during this part.
1. Take the Fishing Net.
2. Take the Clay.
3. Use an inventory item on the Anchor to take it.
Second Street IV
1. Enter the Pottery Shop.
2. Complete all dialogue options.
3. Give the Clay to receive the Clay Chip.
4. Leave and enter the Pizzeria next door.
5. Use the Fishing Net somewhere.
6. Talk to the Pizza Chef.
7. Select the bottom dialogue option.
8. Then, take the Pizza Peel.
Shore II
1. Use the Pizza Peel somewhere.
1. Use the Anchor somewhere.
2. Enter the lighthouse and descend into the hatch.
3. Take the Drill.
Main St. East III
1. Enter the Police Station.
2. Take the Handcuffs.
3. Use the Drill somewhere.
4. Then, take the Staff.
5. Exit, then enter the Barber Shop.
6. Talk to the Barber (all dialogue options).
7. Use an inventory item on the Barber.
8. Choose the bottom dialogue option.
9. Take the Hair.
10. Exit, then enter the Beauty Salon.
11. Use an inventory item on the Hair Dryers.
12. Take the Nail Polish.
13. Combine the Nail Polish with another inventory item.
1. Give the Painted Chip to get Coins.
1. Enter the Reading Room and take the Gloves.
Lighthouse II
1. Use the Gloves somewhere.
Beauty Salon
1. Use an inventory item on the Fuses to take them.
Third Street
1. Take the Flowers.
2. Enter the Clockmaker's Shop.
3. Complete all dialogue options.
4. Exit, then open the Fuse Box and use an inventory item on the Blown Fuses.
5. Return to the Clockmaker's Shop.
6. Take the Watchmaker's Screwdriver from the box of Tools.
7. Combine the Watchmaker's Screwdriver with another inventory item.
Main St. Central II
1. Give an inventory item to the Motorcyclist.
2. Travel to the mountain.
1. Walk to the Summit.
2. Use an inventory item on the rock formation.
3. Use an inventory item on the Lighthouse.
● You need to determine the bearing from the lighthouse to the rock formation.
● This is the opposite of the bearing from the rock formation to the lighthouse.
Lighthouse III
1. Use the Mechanism.
2. Turn the mechanism to the bearing you calculated.
● The bearing is 320.
Forest (Totem)
1. Touch the Stone Head.
2. Walk through the passage.
3. Look at the Sealed Door.
4. Use the Old Journal to help you determine the order to touch the symbols.
● Touch the symbols in the order of the planets they represent, starting with Mercury and moving away from the sun.
● Touch the symbols in the following order:
a. Dragon
b. Frog
c. Sage
d. Monster
e. Octopus
f. Bull
g. Skull
h. Bird
5. Enter the Temple.
6. Look at the broken sundial (???).
● Combined with the Old Journal, this provides enough information to decipher the code.
Sanatorium (right end of Third Street)
1. Talk to the Receptionist.
2. Continue dialogue until you can provide the code.
3. Provide the code you deciphered from the sundial.
● The code is 8293.
4. Walk upstairs.
5. Navigate the door puzzle.
● You can receive a hint from the owner of the bookstore if you're stuck.
● Always choose the door to the right of the second star you see in the room (starting from the left).
6. Complete the dialogue and cutscene to get the Factory Key.
Part 6
You are looking for a particular person whose name starts with "V".
Third Street II
1. Use the Factory Key somewhere.
1. Take an Automaton from the Scrap Pile.
2. Go to the Lab.
3. Take a Punch Card.
4. Go to the Test Chamber.
5. Push the Button and observe the machine's behavior.
6. Return to the Lab.
7. Use the Punch Card on the Key Punch.
8. Program the Punch Card to match the machine's behavior.
● Program the following instructions:
a. Forward
b. Forward
c. Forward
d. Backward
e. Forward
f. Wait
g. Forward
h. Forward
i. Deploy
9. Push the Print button.
10. Combine the Programmed Punch Card with another inventory item.
11. Return to the Test Chamber.
12. Use the Automaton on the machine.
13. Enter the Office.
14. Turn on the Radio to start a cutscene.
15. Use the Rope.
16. Take the Card.
Empty Home II
1. Use the Card somewhere.
Factory II
1. Return to the Office.
2. Open the Safe.
3. Take the Herbicide.
Part 7
You are investigating a couple of specific groups in town.
Plant Nursery (right end of Second Street)
1. Talk to the two characters.
2. Combine the Flowers with another inventory item.
3. Take the Spray Bottle.
4. Combine the Spray Bottle with another inventory item.
5. Return the Spray Bottle.
6. Talk to the character closest to the Spray Bottle.
7. Choose the bottom dialogue option.
8. Use the Floral Arrangement on the Judging Table to start a cutscene.
9. Take the Gas Mask.
1. Use an inventory item on the Counterweight.
2. Take the Idol.
Forest III
1. Enter the Left Fork.
2. Look at the Flowers to start a cutscene.
● (Okay, this wasn't strictly necessary to progress, but you shouldn't miss it!)
3. Use an inventory item on the Flowers to start a dialogue.
4. Choose all dialogue options, importantly including one about the Idol.
Hunting Club
1. Enter the club and walk in far enough to get kicked out.
Bookstore II
1. Enter the Reading Room.
2. Use an inventory item on the Podium to start a cutscene.
Hunting Club II
1. Enter the club and walk in far enough to start a conversation, which continues outside the club.
2. When prompted, select the bottom dialogue option.
● If this doesn't work, make sure you have the Idol.
Part 8
You are in a new part of the forest. This is a shorter, self-contained sequence.
Forest IV
1. Walk to the Campsite.
2. Take the Hatchet.
3. Take the Frying Pan.
4. Take Grease from the Grease Bucket.
5. Use an inventory item on the Campfire.
6. Use an inventory item on the Tree to get a Vine.
7. Walk to the Ruins.
8. Enter the Temple.
9. Use an inventory item on the Staff.
10. Take the Staff.
11. Use an inventory item on the Broken Shield.
12. Go back outside.
13. Use an inventory item on the Seal.
14. Enter the Temple.
15. Take the Bone.
16. Go back outside.
17. Use two different inventory items on the Mechanism to start a cutscene.
Part 9
This final part of the game is divided into standalone scenes.
Scene 1
1. Take the Screwdriver from the Toolbox.
2. Use the Screwdriver somewhere to get a new item.
3. Use the new item somewhere.
4. Take something from the Bag.
Scene 2
1. Take the Rug.
2. Take the Towel.
3. Use an inventory item on a character in the scene.
4. Take the Scissors.
5. Use an inventory item to open something.
6. Use an inventory item to conceal something.
7. Turn something on.
8. Look at something on the table.
Scene 3
1. Take the Ladder.
2. Use the Ladder somewhere.
3. Take the Wrench.
4. Use the Wrench somewhere.
Scene 4
1. Take four items in the scene.
2. Combine all four items together.
3. Use the combined item somewhere to start the final cutscene.
Congratulations, you've completed the game!

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