Adventure Game Hotspot


10 Dead Doves


It's 2004. You play as Marcus Stetson, the Most Pathetic Man on Earth, a seasoned backpacker on the Appalachian Trail who decides to pool his resources to team up one last time with his long-time trail buddy, Sean, the Human Firecracker. Their mission is to relive the glory days and embark on one final outing: To pinpoint and find the holy grail of urban legends – a mysterious, mythical place known only as the Ant Farm. During their journey, Mark's bond, will, and wits are put to the test when he receives a series of cryptic messages from a haunting, bird-like figure in his dreams. Will you discover why the birds are dropping dead, or will you leave behind nothing but footprints?




10 Dead Doves is a fascinating horror adventure with janky PSX-era controls that takes too long to start unfolding, but once you begin diving down the rabbit hole you’ll find a wonderfully weird journey that gets more and more compelling the longer you play.  Read more



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