Adventure Game Hotspot


Adventure Game Database

Still Wakes the Deep

Still Wakes the Deep
Developer: The Chinese Room
Publisher: Secret Mode
Genre: Horror, Thriller
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Action-Adventure, Environmental puzzler, Survival
Control: Direct Control
Game Length: Medium (5-10 hours)
Action: Chase, Quick Time Events, Stealth
Theme: Escape, Monsters
Graphic Style: Photorealism
Difficulty: Low

Sylvio: Black Waters

Sylvio: Black Waters
Developer: Stroboskop
Publisher: DreadXP
Genre: Horror, Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler, Escape room
Control: Direct Control
Action: Combat
Theme: Escape, Paranormal, Psychological
Graphic Style: Photorealism

System of Souls

System of Souls
Developer: Chaotic Lab
Publisher: Gammera Nest
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Action-Adventure, Environmental puzzler, Escape room, Puzzle, Puzzle-platformer, Survival
Control: Direct Control
Game Length: Medium (5-10 hours)
Action: Platforming, Timed events
Theme: Escape, Technology
Graphic Style: Photorealism
Difficulty: High

The Eightfold Path

The Eightfold Path
Developer: Friendly Llama
Publisher: Starseed Forest
Genre: Fantasy
Presentation: 2D or 2.5D, Overhead
  • PC
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • Mac
  • Linux
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler, Exploration
Control: Direct Control
Theme: Psychological
Graphic Style: Pixel art

The Last Shot

The Last Shot
Developer: Rumata Lab
Publisher: Crytivo
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: 2D or 2.5D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
  • Switch
  • Xbox One
  • Xbox Series X|S
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler, Puzzle-platformer
Control: Direct Control
Action: Platforming
Theme: Conspiracy, Savior, War
Graphic Style: Cartoon

The Talos Principle 2

The Talos Principle 2
Developer: Croteam
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Game Length: Long (more than 10 hours)
Theme: Futuristic, Psychological
Graphic Style: Photorealism

The Talos Principle 2: Road to Elysium DLC

The Talos Principle 2: Road to Elysium DLC
Developer: Croteam
Publisher: Devolver Digital
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Game Length: Long (more than 10 hours)
Theme: Futuristic, Psychological
Graphic Style: Photorealism
Difficulty: High


Release: Unknown
Developer: Stopshut Games
Publisher: Mascot Bro Studio
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Action: Platforming
Theme: Futuristic
Graphic Style: Photorealism

Time Journey

Time Journey
Release: Unknown
Developer: Geekon
Publisher: Midnight Games
Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Theme: Amnesia, Outer space, Technology
Graphic Style: Photorealism

Titanic: A Space Between

Titanic: A Space Between
Developer: Globiss Interactive
Publisher: BoomBox Games
Genre: Thriller
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC VR
  • Oculus / Quest
  • PlayStation VR
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler, Escape room, Survival
Control: Motion
Theme: Escape, Historical
Graphic Style: Illustrated realism

Twogether: Project Indigos - Chapter 1

Twogether: Project Indigos - Chapter 1
Developer: Flaming Llama Games
Publisher: Gammera Nest
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 4
  • PlayStation 5
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Game Length: Short (1-5 hours)
Theme: Escape, Futuristic, Team-up, Technology
Graphic Style: Illustrated realism
Difficulty: Medium

Unnamed Project

Unnamed Project
Developer: Highlander Interactive
Publisher: Highlander Interactive
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Theme: Technology
Graphic Style: Illustrated realism

We Are Not Alone

We Are Not Alone
Developer: Stasis Booth Games
Publisher: Stasis Booth Games
Genre: Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • Mac
  • Linux
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler
Control: Direct Control
Theme: Rescue
Graphic Style: Photorealism

WILL: Follow The Light

WILL: Follow The Light
Release: 2025
Developer: TomorrowHead Studio
Publisher: TomorrowHead Studio
Genre: Adventure
Presentation: Realtime 3D
  • PC
  • PlayStation 5
  • Xbox Series X|S
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Environmental puzzler, Quest
Control: Direct Control
Theme: Family, Missing persons
Graphic Style: Photorealism
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