Adventure Game Hotspot


Adventure Game Database

Ultreïa: Night of the Eclipse (freeware)

Ultreïa: Night of the Eclipse (freeware)
Developer: Greewook Studio
Publisher: Greewook Studio
Genre: Science Fiction
Presentation: 2D or 2.5D
  • PC
Perspective: Third-Person
Gameplay: Puzzle, Quest
Control: Point-and-click
Game Length: Short (1-5 hours)
Theme: Outer space
Graphic Style: Illustrated realism

Zly.ii: The Hacked Station

Zly.ii: The Hacked Station
Release: September 2024
Developer: Simon Says: Watch! Play!
Publisher: Simon Says: Watch! Play!
Genre: Mystery, Science Fiction
Presentation: Panoramic nodes
  • PC
Perspective: First-Person
Gameplay: Exploration, Puzzle
Control: Point-and-click
Game Length: Medium (5-10 hours)
Theme: Missing persons, Outer space
Graphic Style: Simulated realism
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